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Airline Tickets from Alicante

TRAVEL GUIDE: Alicante, Spain
Airport Information: Alicante, Spain - Alicante

General Info

Airport Address: Alicante Airport, 03071 Alicante, Spain
Distance and Location: The airport is located 11km (7 miles) south of Alicante
Airport Website: www.aena.es
Airport E-mail: fmoral@aena.es
Airport Telephone: 96 691 9000 or 9100 or 9310
Country Code: 34
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Total Number of Terminals: 1

Information and Customer Care Desks

An Aena infodesk (tel: (0)96 691 9100) is located at the check-in area; another one, in the Departures area, operates when the airport is busy. The Valencia Tourism Agency has an infodesk on the lower floor (tel: (0)96 691 9367).

Available Facilities and Services

Money withdrawal and Communication facilities: Facilities include bureaux de change, ATMs and a post office. Cafe and restaurants: There are bars and restaurants, a fast-food outlet, an ice cream parlour and a cafeteria. Eight cafés and four restaurants are located in the Costa Blanca Plaza, the airport shopping and entertainment centre. Shopping facilities: Shops include newsagents, tobacconists, gift and jewellery shops, a music store, cake shop, sports and shoe shops, CD and video store, and three duty-free shops. Luggage services: There are lost property offices on the ground floor. There is no left-luggage facility at the airport. Other services: There is a 24-hour first aid service and a pharmacy.

Car Parking Info

Parking is available at the airport in two car parks with a total capacity of 1,500 spaces. One car park is located opposite the terminal building and the other next to it; long- and short-term parking rates are available.

Driving by car from/to Alicante

From Alicante, take the Autovia Alicante-Murcia and leave at the airport junction; alternatively, take the national road N-340 to the airport. From Benidorm, take the Autopista A-7.

Public Transportation from/to Alicante

How to reach: By Taxi: Taxis are available at the airport (journey time to Alicante: 15-20 minutes). The taxi rank is situated in front of the Arrivals hall. By Bus: Scheduled buses run every hour to/from Alicante central bus station. Other services run to Benidorm and Murcia. All buses depart from opposite the Arrivals hall.

Alicante city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Alicante panorama - popular sightseeings in Alicante Alicante is the most visited Spanish area as in its surroundings one can find everything that is of interest for a usual tourist: castles, mountains, such places of interest as Upper Marina, Altea and Villajoyosa.

There are also incredibly beautiful beaches with lots of buildings such as Santa Barbara Castle, Archaeological Museum, Church of Santa Maria and the Modern Art Museum. Thus, having had a wonderful walk In the mountains one can have good rest on one of the beaches. Besides nature wonders one also be interested by shopping or night clubs with its unforgettable shows.

More about Alicante in our City Guide ...


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