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Airline Tickets from Antalya

TRAVEL GUIDE: Antalya, Turkey
Airport Information: Antalya, Turkey - Antalya

General Info

Airport Address: Antalya Airport International Terminal Investment and Management Inc, Antalya Havalimani Dishatlar Terminali, 07030 Antalya, Turkey
Distance and Location: The airport is located 17km (10 miles) from Antalya, the main city on Turkey's Mediterranean coast
Airport Website: www.aytport.com
Airport E-mail: info@aytport.com
Airport Telephone: (0)242 330 3600
Country Code: 90
Time Zone: GMT + 2 (GMT + 3 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Total Number of Terminals: 1

Information and Customer Care Desks

There is one infodesk in the Arrivals hall (tel: (0)242 330 3600 ext 1120) and one in the Departures hall (tel: (0)242 330 3600 ext 1123/4).

Available Facilities and Services

Money withdrawal and Communication facilities: There are ATMs, a postal service and telephones. A bureau de change is situated in the International Arrivals area, although rates of exchange are not good and passengers might be better off changing money at their hotel or at banks. Cafe and restaurants: There are bars, cafés and fast food restaurants. Shopping facilities: There are several shops at the airport, including duty-free in International Departures. Luggage services: A lost and found (tel: (0)242 330 36 00) is located in the check-in hall. Other services: Other facilities include a well-staffed medical service, baby rooms and a resting lounge for business people and special guests.

Car Parking Info

A parking lot for cars and one for buses and coaches are located in front of the terminal building.

Driving by car from/to Antalya

From the city centre, follow Alanya Road. The airport is signposted. The journey takes about 20 minutes.

Public Transportation from/to Antalya

How to reach: By Taxi: Taxis serve the airport and leave from in front of the terminal; passengers are advised to haggle a fare before setting off. There are no public transport options to/from the airport. Hotels and tour operators often provide a courtesy shuttle service for their customers. Private airport transfers are available for a door-to-door service from companies such as Kesit Tourism (tel: (0)242 323 1414).

Antalya city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Antalya panorama - popular sightseeings in Antalya Antalya is one of the most known city-resorts, where tourists come on a vacation. However this city has a very interesting history which has begun many centuries B.C. Kale is considered the most beautiful part of a city for its fine gardens and beautiful old constructions. It used to be the residence of Ottomans many ages ago. You may also want to spend a fine evening on the sea-shore watching the sight of an old harbour which now is landing stage for beautiful modern yachts.

More about Antalya in our City Guide ...


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