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Airline Tickets from Antwerpen

TRAVEL GUIDE: Antwerpen, Belgium
Airport Information: Antwerp, Belgium - Deurne

General Info

Antwerp Airport, Belgium, Luchthavenlei z/n, B-2100 Antwerp, BELGIUM
Tel: +32 (0)3 285.65.00
Fax: +32 (0)3 285.65.01
Email: antwerpairport@vlaanderen.be

Information and Customer Care Desks


Available Facilities and Services


Car Parking Info


Driving by car from/to Antwerpen


Public Transportation from/to Antwerpen


Antwerpen city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Antwerpen panorama - popular sightseeings in Antwerpen Antwerp is an amusingly beautiful city, which due to its cultural and historical places of interest takes a special place among the other cities and towns of Benelux. In the centre of Antwerp one can find a great number of museums and architectural sights. The most considerable museum of Antwerp is The Royal Museum of Fine Arts. The Antwerp Cathedral is concerned to be the most magnificent and fascinating building. Most of the places of interest are located in the centre and it's easy to visit all of them on foot, so it's not a surprise that Antwerp is so popular with tourists. More than that, if you get tired of walking, you can easily find a place for having some rest on one of the numerous coffee terraces of Antwerp. Antwerp is attractive not only for its historical sights. The harbor in this city can easily be called universal. Antwerp also takes the leading role in the sphere of diamond processing and sale.

More about Antwerpen in our City Guide ...


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