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Tour & Travel Packages to Antalya

Antalya city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Antalya city - places to visit in Antalya You also should see the great waterfalls of Manavgat, which is 76 kilometers away from Antalya. It is a nice place for tourists – there are fish houses, cafes and souvenir shops around the waterfall. The most beautiful Antalya beaches are in the east of the city, and the west part is named Kemer. In Kemer tourists enjoy the beauty of its mountains and the sea.

Read more about Antalya in our City Guide ...


Antalya Airport Data

Airport Address: Antalya Airport International Terminal Investment and Management Inc, Antalya Havalimani Dishatlar Terminali, 07030 Antalya, Turkey
Distance and Location: The airport is located 17km (10 miles) from Antalya, the main city on Turkey's Mediterranean coast
Airport Website:
Airport E-mail:
Airport Telephone: (0)242 330 3600
Country Code: 90
Time Zone: GMT + 2 (GMT + 3 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Total Number of Terminals: 1

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