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Tour & Travel Packages to Augsburg

Augsburg city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Augsburg city - places to visit in Augsburg Today, Augsburg is medium-sized city, its population being about 264,000 inhabitants. It is also a large high-tech production center. Augsburg is the third largest city in Bavaria after Munich and Nuremberg.

The city has lots of fascination examples of old-time architectural thought, such as the City Hall, built in 1615; the ninth-century Romanesque Cathedral with stained-glass windows and with a few Gothic décor elements added in the 14th century; the famous Perlach Tower, placed in the vicinity of the City Hall; the 16-century St. Anna's Church; the Schaezler Palace; the Rococo Banquet Hall housing the Baroque Gallery and an old gallery featuring sophisticated paintings by Durer and Holbein. There are several museums that are really worth seeing, such as the Roman Museum, the Maximilian Museum and Mozart's House.

Read more about Augsburg in our City Guide ...


Augsburg Airport Data

Augsburg Airport, Germany, Flughafenstraße, D-86169 Augsburg, GERMANY
Tel: +49 (0)821 270 81-0
Fax: +49 (0)821 74 18-44

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