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Airline Tickets from Hannover

TRAVEL GUIDE: Hannover, Germany
Airport Information: Hanover, Germany - Langenhagen

General Info

Address : Petzelstrasse 84, 30669 Hannover, Germany.
Telephone : (0511) 9770.
Website : www.hannover-airport.de.
Location : The airport is situated 15km (9 miles) north of Hanover.

Information and Customer Care Desks

The Airport Service Centre (tel: (0511) 977 1899), in the Arrivals level B, provides information.

Available Facilities and Services

Money and communications: Facilities include banks, bureaux de change, a post office and ATMs. There is an internet cafe on the Departures level C. Eating and drinking: There are various restaurants, cafes and bars. Shopping: Shops include duty-free, a tobacconists, a supermarket, a clothing accessories shop and a perfumery. Luggage: The left-luggage office (tel: (0511) 977 2644) is located on the Arrivals level B, while lost property is handled by the Airport Service Centre (tel: (0511) 977 1899), also on the Arrivals level B. Other facilities: A children’s play area is located on the Departures level C.

Car Parking Info

There are multi-storey car parks at the airport, with short-term parking located directly opposite Terminals A and B. Long-term rates are available in Parkhaus Ost, Parkhaus Nord, P3 and the perimeter parking area; a free shuttle bus service to the terminals is available daily 24 hours. Executive parking is available in car park P1 and must be reserved in advance. For further information, call the airport parking service (tel: (0511) 977 1246).

Driving by car from/to Hannover

From the A7 or the A2, take Autobahn A352 or the Langenhagen exit for the airport.

Public Transportation from/to Hannover

S-Bahn trains (line S5) go from the airport to the central railway station (journey time - 12 minutes). Information is available from the Airport Service Centre (tel: (0511) 977 1899) and from GVH (tel: (0511) 16680; website: www.gvh.de). Bus: Bus 470 (tel: (0511) 16680; website: www.gvh.de) connects the airport with Langenhagen; tram 1 runs between Langenhagen and the main railway station. Taxi: Taxi stands (tel: (0511) 724 9230; website: www.flughafentaxen.de) are located at the entrance of the Arrivals terminal (journey time to central Hannover - 20 minutes). A door-to-door shuttle service is offered by Flughafen Transfer Hannover (tel: (0511) 977 2240; website: www.fthaj.de), available daily 24 hours.

Hannover city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Hannover panorama - popular sightseeings in Hannover Hanover was founded relatively late, in the 12th century, and it was not known until the 17th century. But thanks to its speedy development Hanover today is in the list of the richest German cities.

Everything began in the days of the Hanseatic League. A small city in the north of Germany realized that the its geographical position allows it to develop economy. The peak of development and prosperity came in the 17th century. It was connected with England's attempts not to allow a Scottish Catholic monarch to take a throne. Thus, in the continuous round of matrimonial and political machinations Hanover acquired control over Britain.

More about Hannover in our City Guide ...


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