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Airline Tickets from Hamburg

TRAVEL GUIDE: Hamburg, Germany
Airport Information: Hamburg, Germany - Fuhlsbuttel

General Info

Airport Address: Hamburg Airport, Flughafenstrasse 1-3, 22335 Hamburg, Germany
Distance and Location: The airport is located 8km (5 miles) north of Hamburg
Airport Website: www.ham.airport.de
Airport E-mail: Via the airport's website
Airport Telephone: (0)40 50750
Country Code: 49
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Total Number of Terminals: 2
Moving between Terminals: A free shuttle bus runs between the terminals and to car park P6.

Information and Customer Care Desks

Airport infodesks (tel: (0)40 50750) are located in Terminals 1 and 2. The Airport Office (tel: (0)40 5075 1010) provides airport information, travel insurance and many other services.

Available Facilities and Services

Money withdrawal and Communication facilities: Facilities include a bank, bureau de change and post office, ATMs, and wireless Internet. Cafe and restaurants: There are many restaurants, bars and cafés at the airport; most are located on levels 0 and 3 of Terminal 2, and on the pier. Shopping facilities: There is a variety of shops, including duty-free, in Terminals 2. A brand new shopping plaza is under construction between the two terminals. It should open in 2008. Luggage services: A porter service is available and advance reservations can be made (tel: (0)40 5075 2010; e-mail: porter@secuserve-ham.de). Trolleys are available for a small deposit. There is a left-luggage facility in the Terminal 2 Arrivals area, while lost property is handled by the Airport Office. Other services: The airport has a pharmacy and first aid facilities at the medical centre in Terminal 2.

Car Parking Info

Parking is available at car parks P1, P2, P4, P6 and P7. Car park P6 is a long-term car park linked to all terminals by a free shuttle bus. Valet parking is available in car park P5 (tel: (0)40 5075 1011). Information on parking at the airport is available (tel: (0)40 5075 3303).

Driving by car from/to Hamburg

The airport is situated between ring roads R2 and R3 on the A433 motorway, and is easily accessible and well signposted from central Hamburg. The A7 feeder road provides a connection to the airport at exit Schnelsen-Nord.

Public Transportation from/to Hamburg

How to reach: By Taxi: Taxis services to central Hamburg are readily available. A door-to-door shuttle service is offered by TravelPorter (tel: (180) 507 5286; website: www.travelporter.de) to destinations within Hamburg and further afield. Renting a car: A limousine service is operated by STARS Limousinen-Service (tel: (0)40 5075 3540). By Bus: Many bus services run to the city centre and other points around Hamburg, and the night bus no. 606 stops at the main railway station. By Railway: The 101 Airport Express runs bus services from Terminals 1 and 4 to the nearby Ohlsdorf U-Bahn/S-Bahn station for connections to the S-Bahn S1 and S11 and U-Bahn U1 to the main railway station and the city centre (Jungfernsteig). By Railway: A new S-Bahn rail link between the airport and the city centre is due for completion in 2008.

Hamburg city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Hamburg panorama - popular sightseeings in Hamburg In terms of size and economic activity level, Hamburg is only second to Berlin. In terms of general affluence and aesthetics, it is in many ways similar to other large cities of Northern Europe. Historically, Hamburg has had a strong presence in the world's trade, and it still retains its privileged trade status, mostly due to its involvement in Hanseatic trade. The city has been through lots of wars, social and economic upheavals in the past century, so it is no longer a world-famous shipbuilding stronghold it used to be. However, it has found its niche today, and a significant share of the city's total budget income is made up of its port earnings. Hamburg has made a tremendous leap forward in mass media, as it now houses a few publishing centers, both local and foreign.

More about Hamburg in our City Guide ...


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