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Culture of Naples. Places to visit - old town, temples, theaters, museums and palaces

Napoli - Parco archeologico del Pausilypon Exploration of local landmarks and sights will turn into an unforgettable experience as the city of Naples and its suburbs count inestimable architectural landmarks and monuments as well as remarkable historical objects in hundreds. A perfect landmark of the Renaissance epoch is the Cuomo Palace (Palazzo Cuomo). Its construction was started in the 1464 and lasted for 26 years. At present the palace hosts the Filangiere Museum displaying an assortment of antique arms, art objects and porcelain and enamel wares.
Gastronomy diversity of Naples will impress the fans of Italian cuisine. Attractive restaurants and pizza houses are located in all city districts. One of the most attractive gastronomy … Open
The San Giorgio Maggiore church stands next to the palace. The church is among most significant religious landmarks of the city. The first religious building on its place was erected as far back as in the 5th century. In the 17th century the church was totally reconstructed and since that time the building has not survived any scale renovation. The ancient Camaldoli Monastery is a must visit place for the city guests.
The monastery was established in the 16th century and is located on a high hill. The territory of the monastery features several spacious well equipped observation terraces performing a vibrant view over the city. The same important historical landmark is the Cappella dei Sansevero. The chapel was built in 1590 and served as funeral chapel for the members of Sangro family. In the 18th century the chapel was reconstructed and renovated and today it is one of the most interesting museums of the city displaying a collection of religious statues. Copyright
Many people identify the city of Naples with pizza treat first of all. Actually the city is considered to be a birthplace of a popular Italian treat. Italian cuisine experts consider Naples … Open
The Naples National Archeological Museum will be of great interest for each and every traveler. The museum was established in the 18th century. It keeps one of the richest archeological collections in Italy. A part of the collection consists of the articles discovered during the dig of Pompeii and other Ancient Rome cities. Dramatic art admirers will also find numerous spots of interest in Naples.
Napoli - Alla scoperta di Via Posillipo Several times per month the San Carlo Theater holds exciting first nights. The theater is among the largest and most significant theaters in Europe. It amazes the visitors with its unique inimitable atmosphere. Among other objects of tourist attraction the Neapolitan bay is worth mentioning which is a favorite place of hiking and open air leisure enthusiasts. The Monte Oliveto Street is a concentration of architectural landmarks and sights. Majestic palaces and marvelous residences are set there at every turn. A significant symbol of the city of Naples is the Duomo di San Gennaro named after its main protector.
Naples will be of great interest and pleasure for open air leisure enthusiasts and for those tourists who can not imagine any vacation without visiting scenic natural attractions. The city … Open
A walk through the Catacombs of Naples will add some romance to any sightseeing program. There are lots of them in the city, and they are no less famous than the Paris Catacombs. They were built by early Christians. Due to attacks from the pagan Roman Empire, places of worship were erected here so that they could pray, perform rituals, and bury Christians. The most popular underground labyrinths are Catacombe di San Gennaro, Catacombe di San Gaudioso, and Catacombe di San Severo. A few words should be said about each of the above.
Napoli Catacombe di San Gennaro are the oldest of the catacombs dating back to the 2nd century AD. They consist of two levels - the upper one, where there is the grave of St. Januarius who gave the catacombs their name, and the lower one, famous for its ancient ceiling paintings (here you can even see the images of Adam and Eve, David fighting with Goliath) and a mosaic depicting peacocks and grapes. Today, the upper level is turned into an underground temple. Catacombe di San Gaudioso was erected at the turn of the 4th-5th centuries. The entrance can be found under the altar of Chiesa di Santa Maria alla Sanità. Frescoes of the 5th-6th centuries and mosaics are well preserved here, as well as ancient burials (horizontal niches) and the tomb of St. Gaudioso with perfectly visible inscriptions on the sarcophagus.
1. The heat of the tourist season falls within summer months. That is the reason for tourists wishing to visit Naples in summer to take care of hotel booking in advance. The hottest months … Open
Catacombe di San Severo were built in the 5th century, but despite this, the graves are in quite a poor condition. Nevertheless, frescoes located here are considered the best examples of Naples painting in the dungeons. The remains of Saint Severus were moved from here to Chiesa di San Giorgio Maggiore in the Middle Ages. In Naples, you can also find small archaeological zones located under religious sites. For example, under Basilica di San Lorenzo Maggiore and San Paolo Maggiore (the temples are close to each other, which makes a sightseeing route very convenient). During the Second World War, the underground labyrinths under the church were used as bomb shelters.
Brunnen mit Kindern It's worth saying a few words about Galleria Borbonica. The underground labyrinths were built in the middle of the 19th century by decree of Ferdinand II who wanted to connect Palazzo Reale di Napoli to the barracks of Caserma Vittoria and Palazzo della Cavallerizza a Chiaia. During the Second World War, not only a bomb shelter but also a hospital was located here. It is also worth exploring Cimitero delle Fontanelle, an ossuary located in a natural cave. In the 16th century, when there were no burial places in the city due to the spread of the plague, it was decided to bury people outside the city in natural caves. Most of the burials date back to 1656. Bodies of those who died from other epidemics were also brought here - for example, in 1837, when there was an outbreak of cholera, the deceased found their last refuge here.
Another place worth visiting to get acquainted not only with the history of underground passages but also with ancient history is Parco Vergiliano a Piedigrotta, as well as Crypta Neapolitana located on its territory. This place is associated with pagan traditions of orgiastic celebrations in honor of the god Priapus. It is believed that it was here that Virgil was buried. After his death, people came up with a new tradition of honoring the poet by pronouncing his name. Over time, the pagan tradition sunk into oblivion and was replaced by the Christian holiday Festa di Piedigrotta dedicated to Santa Maria di Piedigrotta who, according to legends, appeared three times in this place where Chiesa di Santa Maria di Piedigrotta was subsequently built.
Castel Nuovo, Napoli For many tourists, the most significant local attraction is Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba - the world's oldest pizzeria built in 1738 and opened in 1830. The pizzeria immediately became a popular meeting place for people of knowledge - artists, students, teachers. A distinctive feature of its payment system was that visitors could pay for lunch within eight days, due to which many jokes appeared in Naples. Original local monuments are the painted walls along Via Emanuele de Deo - Murales Maradona and Murales Pudicizia pleasing the eye of any tourist. Amazing graffities can also be seen at some metro stations. Neapolitans nicknamed such works of art as Metro del Arte.
Absolutely everyone will like doing shopping in Naples, as the city has shopping spots to suit every taste and budget. Via Calabritto is considered the city's most expensive shopping street … Open
It is worth mentioning some more wonderful religious sights, the number of which is more than enough in the capital of Campania. Chiesa di San Giovanni a Carbonara is famous for its 16th-century paintings, which puts it on a par with art museums. Wonderful sculptures and a carved altar are of equal interest, and the decoration of the church in light colors makes it very spacious. Chiesa dei Santi Filippo e Giacomo, which acquired its current appearance in 1758, is considered a vivid monument of Baroque architecture designed by the architect Gennaro Papa. These are just a few churches - each religious attraction is worth a visit in Naples.
Campania, agriturismo Torre Cangiani, Massa Lubrense (Napoli) In the hometown of Enrico Caruso and the comedian Toto, you can find three medieval fortresses, which have repeatedly protected the Kingdom of Naples from attacks. Castel dell'Ovo is believed to be built on the site where the original nucleus of the city was formed in the 6th century BC. A villa was located here in the Roman period, the first fortification was built in 467, and already in the 9th century, the castle had to be demolished so that it would not go to the enemy - the Saracens. Today's fortress was built in 1139 and fortified in the 15th century due to the invention of new weapons of war. Castel Nuovo was an important point in the political life of Naples from the moment of its construction 1279 until 1805 when it was captured by the Russians. The fortress has withstood many attacks, and the City Council sat in the castle until 2006.
Discovering the architecture of Naples from bird's eye view! San Francesco di Paola, Castel Nuovo, Castel dell Ovo, Naples Cathedral, San Domenico Maggiore, Santissima Annunziata Maggiore, Mount Vesuvius, all those monuments are defining the image of Naples … Open
Castel Sant'Elmo that houses the Bruno Molajoli Art Gallery was built in 1343 by order of Robert of Anjou who never saw the completed castle and died that same year. The citadel restored in 1546 was a powerful symbol of the Neapolitan Republic until 1799. Since the fortress is located on high Vomero Hill, it offers magnificent views of Naples. Built in 1648, Palazzo Donn'Anna Palace standing on the shores of the Gulf of Naples is another symbol of the city. Not least because of the legends associated with the building and the fact that it is actually unfinished, which gives it a certain charm. Another impressive building is the Baroque masterpiece Palazzo Sanfelice.
Napoli Kistch One more symbol of Naples is Pulcinella, the famous character in Commedia dell'arte, to whom even a monument was erected on Via dei Tribunali. It is worth noting that this is not the only noteworthy sculpture: the city has many beautiful statues (Statua del Dio Nilo, Monumento a Dante Alighieri, Totem della Pace) and obelisks (Monumento ai Martiri Napoletani, Obelisco di San Domenico). Among other things, here you can also find fountains striking in their picturesqueness. The most beautiful ones are Fontana dell'Esedra and Fontana del Gigante, as well as Fontana Del Nettuno. Fans of the "Gomorrah" TV series should be advised to walk along Vele di Scampia where most scenes were shot. Here you can discover a completely different Naples, not the one that everyone is used to seeing in the pictures.
Royal Palace, Santa Chiara, Museo di Capodimonte, Castel Sant. Elmo, Galleria Umberto I, as well as many others, they all become the world's cultural heritage objects and remain as iconic monuments for Naples … Open
Enrico Caruso's hometown boasts a huge number of interesting museums, which can hardly be all explored even in a month. You can start with the Museo Permanente del Presepe Napoletano presenting the collection of “presepe” - compositions representing the birth of Jesus. Today, presepe is a symbol of the capital of Campania because it is here that this tradition has taken root as in no other city, but later the rest of Italy picked it up. In the museum, one can find not only Nativity scenes but also compositions with famous figures. Villa Pignatelli can be called a visual aid on how the Neapolitans lived in the 19th century.
Napoli Of interest to tourists (especially those keen on music) is the Museo del Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella that occupies an old music school building and hosts concerts from time to time. The Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte with its magnificent collection of paintings and sculptures is a great place to get acquainted with Italian art. The cultural institution is housed in the former summer residence of the Bourbon dynasty. Among the artworks it displays are paintings by Masaccio, Botticelli, Titian, Lotto, Caravaggio. The Città della Scienza Museum allows you to get acquainted with the laws of the world, and the Museo Nazionale Ferroviario di Pietrarsa offers a huge collection of trains of various types (including prison trains).
The city is widely known as a popular holiday destination, so life doesn’t stop here day and night, and there are always so many visitors in this place at any time of a year. Many … Open
Those interested in the theory of evolution and paleontology should visit two interesting museums in Naples: the Centro Musei delle Scienze Naturali and the Museo di Paleontologia. Both will surely broaden your horizons. The Museo del Mare di Napoli keeps a collection of model ships, navigation devices, and marine equipment, so you can get acquainted with the history of Naples as a maritime power and a major port. Among unique cultural institutions, it's worth mentioning the Museo delle Torture presenting a medieval torture exposition. However, this is not the best place for highly sensitive people. A better option for them would be the Teatro di San Carlo or Teatro Bellini where they can enjoy magnificent theater performances and splendid theater decorations. You can also stroll through Orto Botanico enjoying every moment spent in the picturesque garden.
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Plan your own excursion through Naples: churches, museums and castles

San Francesco di Paola, Napoli

» San Francesco di Paola is the most significant church built in a neoclassical style in Naples.
»  The basilica was constructed upon the order of King Ferdinand I in 1815 to honour St. Francis who, as the king thought, helped him return the land occupied by the French.
»  The architect of the basilica was inspired by the famous Roman Pantheon, so he built it in the style of a rotunda and decorated it with a 53-meter dome.
»  The main treasure of the interior is an altar of precious stones.
»  San Francesco di Paola is still one of the places where religious holidays are celebrated. Naples is rich in such places. The basilica always attracts many tourists.

Royal Palace, Napoli

» The Royal Palace in Naples is the main residence of Bourbon monarchs of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. It is built around Piazza del Plebiscito.
»  In front of the western facade of the palace, there are statues of the greatest rulers in the history of the Kingdom. On the sides of garden gates, there are statues of horses from the Anichkov Bridge in Saint Petersburg.
»  Nowadays, there are different offices in the palace. Since 1814, the main part of the building has been occupied by the National Library that houses thousands of books and the unique collection of papyri from Herculaneum.
»  In the building, there is the Museum of Royal Palace Apartments that occupies the rooms of the Central Hall, the Throne Hall, the Hercules Hall, and other rooms.
»  In the Royal Palace, you can see works of such masters, as Titian, Guercino, Andrea Vaccaro, Mattia Preti, Spagnoletto, Massimo Stanzione, and Luca Giordano.

Castel Nuovo, Napoli

» Castel Nuovo is a castle that was built by King Charles of Anjou on the sea coast in Naples when his capital was moved from Palermo. The construction began in 1279 and lasted three years.
»  Like other castles, Castel Nuovo had a heavy fate. It had been looted and destroyed for centuries. It endured everything and remained undamaged even after a terrible earthquake that destroyed almost entire Naples.
»  Today, there is the Municipal Museum in the territory of the castle. Here, you can learn about the history of Naples from the ancient time to nowadays.
»  Here, you can not only see a museum collection, but also visit temporary exhibitions.
»  The most interesting interior elements in the castle are ancient frescoes and sculptures on the ground floor.

Santa Chiara, Napoli

» Santa Chiara is a religious complex that consists of a monastery, tombs, and an archeology museum.
»  The monastery was built in a baroque style by King Robert the Wise in 1310-1340. Originally, it was an Anjou kings’ shrine.
»  There is a bell tower near the building. The construction began in 1328 and completed only in the Renaissance period.
»  In the church, the indoor gallery, columns, and benches are decorated with majolica that depicts the scenes from Napali history, such as carnivals, voyages, and hunting.
»  One legend says that those couples which get married in this church will have happy life without troubles, poverty, and distrust. So, the church is very popular with young men and women from Naples.

Castel dell Ovo, Napoli

» Castel dell Ovo is a medieval fortress that is located on the island connected to Naples with a narrow embankment.
»  It is supposed that it is here that Naples was founded by Greek settlers in the 6th century.
»  The modern castle was built here in 1139 to protect the city from the sea.
»  The castle gained its name (that is translated from Italian as “Egg Castle”) due to its unusual shape.
»  In the 15th century, the fortress was strengthened in the event of shelling. It was very useful because Castel dell Ovo was targeted with French cannons during Italian wars.
Naples - guide chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

What to visit during two-day excursion in Naples

Where: via Duomo, Naples;
The Royal Palace
Where: piazza Plebiscito 1, Naples;
Reggia Di Capodimonte
Where: Parco di Capodimonte, Naples; Telephone: +39 081 749 9111;
Castel Maschio Angiolino
Where: piazza Municipio, Naples;
Castel Dell’ovo
Where: Borgo Marinari, Naples; Telephone: +39 081 764 0590;
Church Of Santa Chiara
Where: via Benedetto Croce, Naples; Telephone: +39 081 797 1231;
Church Of San Lorenzo Maggiore
Where: via Tribunali 316, Naples; Telephone: +39 081 290 580;
Church Of San Gregorio Armeno
Where: via San Gregorio Armeno, Naples; Telephone: +39 081 552 0186;
Church Of Gesù Nuovo
Where: piazza del Gesù nuovo, Naples; Telephone: +39 081 551 8613;
Reference information
Map of all palaces
Public palaces near Naples
♥   Palace 'Royal Palace' Naples, 0.4 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Palace 'Palace of Portici' Portici, 7.8 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Palace 'Royal Palace of Carditello' Caserta, 25.9 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Palace 'Royal Palace of Caserta' , 27.4 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Map of all art museums
Art galleries in Naples and around
♥   Art museum 'Naples National Archaeological Museum' Naples, 2.3 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Art museum 'Museo di Capodimonte' Naples, 3.7 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Art museum 'Archaeological Museum of the Campi Flegrei' Bacoli, 14.5 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Art museum 'Caserta Palace' Naples, 27.4 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Map of all churches
Cathedrals and basilicas near Naples
♥   Pontificia Reale Basilica di S. Giacomo degli Spagnoli, Napoli, 0.8 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Basilica Santuario del Gesù Vecchio dell’Immacolata di Don Placido, Napoli, 1.6 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Basilica di S. Domenico Maggiore, Napoli, 1.8 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Basilica di S. Paolo Maggiore, Napoli, 2.1 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Basilica San Gennaro ad Antignano, Napoli, 2.3 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Basilica dell’Incoronata Madre del Buon Consiglio, Napoli, 3.5 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Basilica Santuario di S. Maria della Neve, Napoli, 7.3 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Car rental on Rentals in Naples

Hilton builds third luxury hotel in Kyoto

It will welcome its first guests in 2024. 313 rooms of various categories will be available, the interior of rooms and hotel spaces will become one of the main features of the high-class hotel. When decorating the rooms, it is planned to use local textiles, which are famous for their high quality and are considered to be one of the best in the world. Read this


Photogallery of cultural heritage of Naples

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Culture guide to Naples. Which fascinating sights to visit once you are in Naples: temples, churches, museums, theaters and castles. Recommendations (with addresses, phone numbers and links) on the places 'must visit' in Naples. Plan your own city excursion by using this page info! - online travel reservation expert providing reliable car rental and hotel booking services. We feature more than 25.000 destinations with 12.000 rental offices and 200.000 hotels worldwide.
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