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Top architectural sightseeing and landmarks of Belgrade - ideas on city exploration routes

Kalemegdan The main landmarks, such as Belgrade Fortress, National Museum of Serbia, USCE, and Church of St. Mark, attract thousands of visitors, who come to Belgrade from different parts of the world every year. Belgrade is incredibly rich in absolutely stunning landmarks and important historic sights. Genex Tower, Atelje 212, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade Fair, Museum of Aviation, are true masterpieces of architecture and architectonics at the international level. It’s time to look at every landmark of Belgrade in detail from an unusual point of view – interesting facts with hi-res photos, enriched with a virtual flight over 3D copies of all the architectural monuments.

Belgrade Fortress, Beograd

» The Belgrade Fortress was built 2300 years ago. The fortification withstood 115 battles and was at risk of destruction more than 40 times.
»  The fortress was built on the hilltop at a height of 125 m. The fortification surrounds 2 districts, Upper and Lower.
»  The ruins of the Roman settlement have been preserved here. You can also see the Byzantium temple. Artillery platforms, household outbuildings, and small churches remind of the fortification.
»  The main entrance is the Istanbul Gateway. It was constructed by Turks in the late 18th century. You can get to the fortress through 12 gates by crossing wooden bridges.
»  There are five towers, one of which is equipped with the clock.
»  Inner constructions date back to the 18th century. There are a park and several churches, one of which is overgrown with ivy. The other one, Ruzica Church, has bronze sculptures and big candlesticks. They are made of the remains of weapons.
»  There are museums and an observatory in the territory of the fortress. There is also the monument to the Winner that is the symbol of the city.
»  The fence is made of white limestone. That is why the settlement is called like this. If you use the services of the audio guide, you will learn about 39 objects in the territory of the fortress and the park.

National Museum of Serbia, Beograd

» The initiator of opening the National Museum of Serbia in 1844 was the Minister of Education and the writer Jovan Sterija Popovic. So, it was opened in 25 years in the building of the mortgage bank.
»  Sculptures and paintings of European masters are kept here. The collection also contains archaeological artifacts. The museum houses over 400 000 exhibits.
»  One of the sectors displays the Serbian annals from prehistoric times to the present day.
»  The handwritten gospel of the late 12th century is of great value. The liturgical book was written for Duke Miroslav. Cyrillic on parchment has small colored inserts (296 miniatures) and is decorated with gold.
»  There is the Egyptian mummy found in the territory of the country.
»  There are also many golden masks and ancient statues. The numismatic collection contains over 300 000 coins dating back to the 5th-6th century BC.
»  The inner space is conditionally divided into seven sectors. Each of them presents the particular development stage of arts, from frescoes to modernity.
»  There is a range of similar institutions based on the National Museum. About 2.5 thousand exhibitions were organized and 500 publications were issued here. The Museum has been restored for 15 years. It opened its doors again in 2018.

USCE, Beograd

» There are almost 150 brand stores in the 4-level 25-storey skyscraper. In the building, there are a lot of boutiques that see exclusive products from the world’s leading producers.
»  There is also a cinema with 12 halls. Gourmets can spend their time at restaurants. Children can have fun in separate playgrounds.
»  You should drop in the perfumery on the ground floor. The second level will be of interest to sports fans, as here they can buy sports clothes, shoes, and equipment. The third floor presents technical innovations to those who need household appliances.
»  USCE is an office high building. During political conflicts in the 90s, dozens of rockets were launched at it. According to the chronicles, USCE was not damaged.
»  The center is distinguished by its sculptures.
»  “Ušće” is a Serbian word translated as “river mouth”, that is the “foundation” of the capital city.
»  The complex presenting different trademarks of worldwide manufacturers is used to demonstrate global trends in different fields of modern equipment.
»  USCE is a skyscraper with office premises and an adjacent shopping center.

Church of St. Mark, Beograd

Location on the map:
Facts: » The Orthodox temple was built at the site of the small church in the 30s of the last century. Here, Duke Milos and the Turkish authorities signed the document that said Serbia had become an autonomous republic.
»  The bombing in the 90s did not spare the building. The church was destroyed in 2007.
»  The building resembles a 60х45 square. The church without a cross is 60 m high.
»  It accommodates 2000 people during worship services.
»  The temple impresses with the size of its domes and bells. The entrance doors are decorated with a mosaic panel. It depicts the saint Apostle Mark. There is the marble iconostasis and the altar inside. It also presents the ancient collection of icons. It consists of pieces of art of different epochs (the 13th-19th centuries).
»  In the crypt, there are the remains of prominent persons.
»  The church is also famous for children and adults’ choirs. There is Sunday school at the church.
»  Parishioners put candles in a special casket on the porch at the entrance.
»  There is also an Orthodox chapel at the Church of St. Mark. It was built at the expense of emigrants. Its foundation contains the preserved the handful of Russian soil. There is the grave General Pyotr Wrangel.
»  There are also monuments to people who died during the UN military actions.

Church of St. Michael, Beograd

Location on the map:
Facts: » The church was built upon the order of the Serbian King Obrenovic in the middle of the 19th century. The celestial patron is Archangel Michael.
»  Local artists painted icons that depict the Mother of God, the Holy Trinity, and Archangels. The entrance to the building is decorated with these mosaic pictures.
»  The relics of rules and Serbian churches are kept in the subsoil of the building.
»  Near the temple, there is the museum of the Serbian House of God. In its territory, there is the grave of the person who created the Serbian grammar.
»  At the weekend, baptism and wedding ceremonies are held here.
»  The church impresses with its luxurious interior: carved gilded iconostasis, galleries, and wall painted panels of the 19th century. There are icons depicting saints on the altar partition. The bell tower has a wonderful view of the surroundings.
»  You can see a marble plate in one of the outer wall niches of St. Michael Church. It points at the burial place of Dositej Obradovic, a Serbian enlightener. The exterior of the building is distinguished by the combination of two architectural styles, classic and baroque. The strict and clear outline of the building matches the luxurious interior.

Genex Tower, Beograd

Location on the map:
Facts: » The 35-storey Genex Tower was built in 1980. According to the plan of the architect, the tower is designed in modern style and distinguished by strict lines. The outer walls of the complex are plain and look like unprocessed concrete. The glass rectangular tower is among the 10 highest skyscrapers in Europe.
»  Two constructions are linked by a two-tier bridge located on the 26th floor. There is a restaurant on the top floor. It has a view of the whole city. The construction is 140 meters high.
»  The complex is officially called the Western City Gate. One of the skyscrapers belongs to the Genex Tower. Literally, the entire facade is covered with a billboard. The higher tower is occupied by residents.
»  The building resembles a high gate with its appearance. You can see it on the west side. Tourists traveling to the city get the first impression from the multi-storey skyscraper.
»  The “skyscraper with a hole” was given a big role in one of the Serbian films.
»  The owner of the Genex Tower is the Serbian Government. There is information that the authorities want to put the Genex Tower for sale and appraise the construction at €15.6 million.

Atelje 212, Beograd

Location on the map:
Facts: » The first theaters of Serbia were mentioned in the chronicles in the 13th century. At that time, street festivities were held on holidays.
»  The Belgrade Theater, Atelier 212, continues the tradition of holding folk performances. It differs from other theaters with the non-standard acting in a play.
»  It is officially named after the famous dramatist, Mira Trailovic. Atelje 212 propagates avant-garde tendencies in arts.
»  The beginning of the theatrical activity dates from 1956.
»  The venue got such an unusual name due to 212 spectators’ seats situated in the hall. The artistic troupe, dramatists, and musicians joined together to create a new trend in the theatrical world.
»  The team paid attention to European performances and made exposures of plays quite unusual. As the critics say, the Atelje 212 theater of the absurd acts well.
»  The first play acted on 12 November 1956 was “Faust”. At the 50th anniversary, not only plays were acted, but also events that brought together up to 150 actors were held on the scene.
»  The Belgrade Theater Atelje 212 still shocks the audience with unexpected and provocative performances.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Beograd

Location on the map:
Facts: » The Museum of Contemporary Art presents masterpieces of artists and sculptors of the 20th century. Four constant exhibitions are organized in different locations.
»  The administration of the cultural institution actively cooperates with such galleries in other countries.
»  One of the showrooms presents canvasses of young artists who promote new trends in international arts. Here, you can see 92 masterpieces of famous Yugoslav artists, antique pieces of furniture, carpets, glass and porcelain items.
»  In the other gallery, you can not only see the exhibits displayed, but also attend different promotions and events. The exhibition zone is dedicated to modern design in art and film production.
»  The relatives of the famous artist Peter Dobrovic allocated his flat to the museum. Here, you can see oil and watercolor paintings, sketches and drafts.
»  The museum fund contains over 35 000 exhibits. The earliest of them date back to the beginning of the 20th century. The separate sector is dedicated to multimedia, so here you can see pictures and videos. The museum was founded in 1961. Its building is interesting too because it resembles a crystal with its shape.

Belgrade Fair, Beograd

Location on the map:
Facts: » Three round buildings and pavilions with a dome roof is an exhibition center. They were built in 1957.
»  The total area of the center is 100 000 m2. Every year, more than 30 international exhibitions are held here. About 5 000 companies participate in them.
»  For example, the Book Fair that lasted eight days was visited by 187 000 people. Bestsellers of publishing houses were awarded. 525 presentations and a lot of conferences were held.
»  The next exhibition (190 companies) presented body care products and cosmetics.
»  The exhibition of technical advances was intended to demonstrate the breakthrough of technologies, electronics, heating appliances, cooling systems, etc.
»  The exhibition complex promotes products of different companies in different countries.
»  The 70 years of its existence ensured the stability of the world-class platform. Industry exhibits facilitate the promotion of achievements in the field of scientific and technical progress. This exposition is an international fair that promotes any products of global significance.

Museum of Aviation, Beograd

Location on the map:
Facts: » Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport provided the land on which the Museum of Aviation has been built. The Ministry of Air and Defense Forces founded the institution to keep aeronautics items in 1957.
»  The round building is built of glass and concrete. Its collection consists of objects of aircraft and military significance: armament rockets, parts of propulsion units, documents, pictures, and videos.
»  200 airships represent the museum. It houses exhibits of the period of the Second World War brought from different countries, as well as modern flying machines.
»  Here, you can also see: the only surviving copy of the Italian fighter aircraft Fiat G-50: German Junkers Ju 52, Soviet Mi-4, the radar Cossor C.R.787, French Carvel with jet engines at the rear end (the first airplane of this type).
»  Attack, fighter and bomber aircrafts, helicopters, places, and rockets of domestic and foreign manufacture are displayed at the second level of the building. Some exhibits are hanging on cables.
»  Some items are displayed outside, in the open air. On the sightseeing platform, you can see machines from a different angle.

House of the National Assembly, Beograd

Location on the map:
Facts: » The House of the National Assembly started to be built in 1830 and was completed in 1936. The festive opening ceremony was visited by the King. He initiated the construction of the building that would symbolize the Kingdom of Serbia.
»  After the war, the establishment of the Republic was proclaimed here.
»  The apartments belong to the legislative body of the country.
»  The main entrance is guarded by sculptures. The portico hinges on massive columns. There is the dome with a torch above it. The facade is tiled with green stones and decorated with medallions. They depict the heroes of Athens.
»  There is the angel’s figurine at the top. He holds a torch and an olive branch in his hand.
»  The building is surrounded with a decorative fence with candlesticks.
»  The inner space is characterized by heraldry and moldings. Pieces of furniture are made of nut wood. There are white marble staircases. You can see bronze statues on the railings. The House of the National Assembly of Serbia in Belgrade has a total area of over 13 000 m2.
»  The four-storey building also includes the basement. Besides business offices, there are plenary and meeting rooms.
»  There is also a library. Its fund contains over 60 thousand books.

Church of Saint Sava, Beograd

Location on the map:
Facts: » The place where the church was built is memorial. Here, the relics of the first archbishop of Serbia were burnt upon the order of the Ottoman ruler in the late 16th century. He contributed to the establishment of the independence of the Orthodox Church.
»  The funds on the construction of the House of God started to be raised in 1895. The temple still exists on donations. It was opened in 2004 due to historical conflicts.
»  The main dome that weighs 4 000 tons is surrounded by four towers. Its top is crowned with a twelve-meter gilded cross. There are 17 small domes on the bigger ones. The Cathedral of Saint Sava has 2 bell towers with 49 bells (that weigh from 12 kg to 5 tons). Each of them has its original sound.
»  The cathedral has a total area of 7.5 thousand m2. The building is almost 90 m high.
»  Our Savior Jesus Christ is painted on the fresco. It is located under the main dome and is the biggest painting in the world. The eyes on the painting are more than a meter!
»  During worships, the building accommodates about 10 000 parishioners. They can listen to 800 choristers.
»  The cathedral is built of sand, stone, and concrete. The white walls of the building are seen from afar. It is located on the hilltop at a height of 134 meters above sea level.
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