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Tour & Travel Packages to Sofia

Sofia city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Sofia city - places to visit in Sofia Sofia has had a long and interesting history, got through a lot of difficulties, before it became the city, we can see nowadays. In the 14th century the Turks seize power and had a great influence there till they were driven away. Then in 1878 Sofia was turned in to a capital and a lot of reconstruction took place (in fact, the alleyways and boulevards that you may see now, were built at those times). The town center was getting its modern appearance: the numerous mosques were demolished, and the Orthodox Church was built again. At the times of the Second World War Sofia was bombed a lot, as Bulgaria was in Axis. More than 3 000 houses were ruined and 9 000 had bad damages (that's why so many buildings in Sofia look brand-new now). When the war was finished, Russian army conquered this city and Bulgaria joined the Eastern Block.

Some time passed and the capital of Bulgaria stepped into the era of Communism. For many people in Bulgaria these times are associated with industrialization: they built a lot of new plants, multistoried building – the suburbs of the city were becoming livelier. It's also the time, when plenty of immigrants came to this place, in search for a better life. Officially, the times of Communism ended in 1989, but there are still some traces of this historical period in the architecture. But in spite of all these difficulties and trials, Sofia still can be called of the most beautiful and elegant cities in Europe.

Read more about Sofia in our City Guide ...


Sofia Airport Data

Address : 1 Christopher Columbus boulevard, Sofia 1540, Bulgaria
Telephone : (02) 937 2211 (departures) or (02) 937 2212 (arrivals)
Fax : None
E-mail :
Website :
Location : The airport is located 10km (6 miles) east of Sofia.

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