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Tour & Travel Packages to Casablanca

TRAVEL DESTINATION: Casablanca, Morocco
Casablanca city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Casablanca city - places to visit in Casablanca One more interesting fact is that Casablanca is home of the Hassan II Mosque, designed by the French architect Michel Pinseau. It is situated on a promontory looking out to the Atlantic.

The Parc de la Ligue Arabe is the city's largest public park. There situated the Cathédrale Sacré-Coeur, which is an impressive example of Mauresque architecture. It is a Roman Catholic cathedral built in 1930. It ceased to function as a church in 1956, after the independence of Morocco. The it become a cultural center. The cathedral was designed by French architect Paul Tournon. He used the Neo-Gothic style.The Old Medina also attracts tourists' attention. There were some processes of restoration in recent years.

All in all some thousand people live here, and in one or two spots, true beauty occurs.

Read more about Casablanca in our City Guide ...


Casablanca Airport Data

Airport Address: Office National des Aéroports, Casa-Oasis, BP 8101 Casablanca, Morocco
Distance and Location: The airport is located 30km (19 miles) south of Casablanca
Airport Website:
Airport E-mail: Via the airport's website
Airport Telephone: (0)22 539 040 or 539 140
Country Code: 212
Time Zone: GMT
Total Number of Terminals: 1

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