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Tour & Travel Packages to Buenos Aires

TRAVEL DESTINATION: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Buenos Aires city - places to visit in Buenos Aires The Obelisk. Without any hesitation we can say that the most famous monument in Buenos Aires is the enormous Obelisk at the intersection of 9 de Julio and Corrientes avenues, which is the symbol of the city. It was created in May 1936 on the occasion of the 400th anniversary since the city was founded. The Obelisk is placed in the center of the Plaza de la República at the location of the first Argentina flag. It is 67 m tall and it takes about 49 m2. Not far from this monument Jorge Luis Borges' House is situated.

The best shops in Buenos Aires can be found in Calle Florida Street, which, by the way, is a pedestrian zone. But the street, along which take place lots of boutiques and shopping centers, can be interesting not only for its shops, but also for its architecture.

San Telmo. San Telmo, the oldest area in Buenos Aires, used to be the place, where the elite lived. In 1870 during the epidemic of yellow fever the aristocracy left from San Telmo to the north of the city. A lot of emigrants rushed into this area and the houses of the rich were turned into «conventillos». In 1970 some of the historical buildings were restored. Nowadays San Telmo is a picturesque area with antique shops, Colonial architecture and plenty of ancient churches (for example, San Pedro Telmo). Some streets there are still cobbled. It'll be a good idea to go to San Telmo on Sunday, when Plaza Dorrego, the heart of the area, turns into a flea market and the streets are crowded with jugglers and tango dancers. Those, who admire the art of tango, should necessarily visit famous tango-cafes, such as El Viejo Almacén, Michelangelo, La Casa Blanca and La Casa Rosada.

Puerto Madero. On the bank of the Rio-de-la-Plata there is Puerto Madero, a former port area that was built in 1888-1897. At this moment it's the most modern entertainment area in the center of the city, where one can still feel the charm of the port. Nowadays in former docks take place restaurants and shops. If you want to have a nice walk, to eat a tasty supper and to do successful shopping, Puerto Madero is the very place you need.

La Boca. La Boca is the most outstanding area in Buenos Aires. It was built by the Italian immigrants along the Riachuelo, the meandering channel, on the banks of which storehouses and meat-processing factories used to be situated. La Boca first of all is famous for its original houses, which were built from tin and were painted in bright colors. Everywhere different art works are displayed for sale. In this area one can find a lot of souvenir shops, beerhouses and restaurants. At every step there you can feel the influence of the Italian culture. The special atmosphere and colorful view of La Boca everyday attract hundreds of tourists.

Read more about Buenos Aires in our City Guide ...


Buenos Aires Airport Data

Airport Address: Ministro Pistarini International Airport, Ezeiza, Aut. Richieri S/N, CP 1802, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Distance and Location: The airport is located at Ezeiza, 35km (21 miles) southwest of Buenos Aires
Airport Website:
Airport E-mail: Via the airport's website
Airport Telephone: (0)11 5480 6111
Country Code: 54
Time Zone: GMT - 3
Total Number of Terminals: 2
Moving between Terminals: The terminals are within walking distance of each other.

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