Travel guide over Lima sights

Among the most mysterious and amazing sights of Lima, it is worth noting the Pyramid of Huaca Pucllana. According to researchers, it was built about 2.5 thousand years ago. However, this amazing archaeological site became known only recently, in the middle of the 20th century. Excavations at the pyramid area have been ongoing for more than 60 years. Here, a lot of unique artifacts were discovered, including animal remains, antique ceramics and textiles. The exact purpose of the huge pyramid is still a mystery for researchers. … Further

Cuisine and best restaurants in Lima

Fans of exotic have to taste kui, pot roast guinea pig. Fans of vegetarian food also won’t be bored, as original vegetable dishes in local restaurants are also quite common. The most popular dish is saltado, cooked of a variety of vegetables. Vegetables are cut into small slices and roasted in the oven. This dish is complemented with spices. … Further

Guide on cultural sights

There are also remarkable archaeological areas in Lima, including isolated area Huaca Huallamarca. Several thousand years ago, a large ceremonial center was established there. Today, visitors can explore the large-scale structure of pyramidal shape, and visit the local Archaeological Museum. A truly unique attraction is the Parque Amor located a few steps away from the coast. Its territory hosts a lot of interesting monuments and romantic sculptures. Each bench in the park is a real masterpiece. … Further

Attractions and nightlife of Lima

Not far from the city center picturesque parks of Pantanos de Villa and Parque de la Imaginacion are situated. Those, who want to be away from the bustle of the city, are recommended to see Nor Yauyos-Cochas Landscape Reserve. Favorite places among indigenous inhabitants and foreigners are local beaches. The most popular is Playa Kon-Tiki that is perfectly equipped for your comfort. Asia beach is close to the popular shopping center, so it is always crowded. … Further
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