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Hotels in Dublin and Vienna Enjoy High Revenues in August 2014

News August 2014 was a very profitable month for hotels in Dublin and Vienna. Both destinations managed to reach a double digit increase in their average daily rate, which positively affected gross operating profit per available room (GOPPAR). The growth of the figure estimated 21.9% and 25.0% respectively.

The average room rate of hotels in Dublin added 10.6% in August, while occupancy remained on same high level of 90.7%. This helped revenue per available room (RevPAR) add 10.3%. Almost all segments posted positive results, excluding Residential Conference rate that declined by 6.5%. Most rooms were sold to leisure guests (28.3%), followed by tours and group tourists (18.8%) and corporate travelers (18.3%). Non-room revenues also posted growth and helped to increase total revenue per available room (TRevPAR) by 8.5%.

Hotels in Vienna posted no less excellent results. With ARR growth of 10.8% and growth of occupancy of 0.9%, RevPAR managed to add 12.0% in August 2014. If analyzing the growth by segment, the situation is similar with Dublin. Corporate segment posted decline of 1.9%, while leisure and group visitors represented more than a half of all sold guestrooms (51.9%). TRevPAR added 9.4%, and the growth of GOPPAR estimated 25.0%.

Hotels in another popular European destination, Berlin, posted quite poor results in August. ARR declined by 4.6%. RevPAR added only 0.3%, TRevPAR dropped by 4.8%, making GOPPAR lose 17.0% compared to the same period of 2013. Rome hotels, in their turn, managed to cope with almost same drop of average room rate. Despite a drop of ARR of 4.8%, sufficient increase of demand of 8.0% helped to increase RevPAR by 7.7%. Revenues from food and beverage grew, as well as departmental profit, made GOPPAR add 20.4% in August.


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