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Ищем работу в Голландии - сайты вакансий

В настоящее время (2006-2007), в связи с оттоком самих голландцев из страны и общим подьемом голландской экономики, найти работу стало значительно легче чем в 2001-2005 годах. Кроме того, для аппликантов из-за пределов Голландии была облегчена процедура получения разрешения на работу (т.н. kennismigrant procedure).

В связи этим шансы и вероятность получения контракта на одном из голландских предприятии резко возросли. Особенно это касается специалистов из технических отраслей. Голландские фирмы просто не успевают уталить свой голод в запросах на программистов. Доходит до смешного - несколько моих коллег уже получают стабильный спам по почте типа 'ищем java-developers' или 'срочно нужны embedded system specialists'.

Тем, кому такой спам по-каким то причинам еще не приходит, стоит обратить внимание на сайты по поиску работы, с которых можно реально обратить на себя внимание работодателей (закинуть свое CV в базу) или напрямую выбрать свободные вакансии и предложить свои услуги. По своему скромному опыту могу посоветовать следующий список голландских сайтов по поиску работы (к сожалению некоторые из них имеют только версии на голландском языке).

Лучшие job-market сайты: - лучший, имхо !!!

Региональные и специализированные job-market сайты:

All4jobs Arbeidsbemiddeling, Maassluis,
Jobs for unemployed professionals., Amsterdam,
Amsterdam jobs., Rotterdam,
The place to work on your career
AX's ICT diensten b.v., Rotterdam,
Job opportunities for ict professionals in telecommunication information technology and internet
Banenlijn, Utrecht,
Presentation of jobs by mediators, hospitals, the government and jobs in all the towns and villages of the netherlands.
Careernet, Rotterdam,
Career network of companies and professionals.
CV Market, Tallinn,
Internationale online recruitment website
De Notuleerservice, Zwolle,
Making of professional, clear and impartial minutes of meetings.
De Uitzendstudent, Delft,
Provides pro-active, fast learning and responsible students of academic level.
FreelanZ, Utrecht,
find a freelance job or to find a freelancer for a job, and.... it's totaly free.
Glebbeek-Internet, Veghel,
Vacancies, jobs, tips, career and more...
Horeca-Jobs, Balk,
Supply and demand for jobs in the hospitality, recreation and tourism industry will meet. Also current trade information and links to related sites
InfraMatch, Den Haag,
Jobs-site for technical jobs.
Job2do, Amsterdam,
Market place for ICT-projects in the Netherlands. Hot small-business projects in the area of webdesign, software development, system management, project managem ...
JobEngine, Wilnis,
Dutch jobsite
JobLimburg, Echt,
jobsite with a vast amount of jobs in the province Limburg
Jobsafari Nederland bv,
AltaVista recently expanded their searching engine with a job databank. This job databank is started to give a full service to the employees. Therefore companie ..., Groningen,
Click through to companies with jobs
MegaJobs, Baarn,
Jobsite for the Netherlands and Europe.
Metaprofs, Amsterdam,
Hotel Restaurant Jobs The Netherlands
Overheidswerk, Zuidhorn,
Employmentsite for government jobs in the Netherlands
Parttiming, Amsterdam,
The part timers forum.
Pre-Selectie, Hengelo,
The site for recruitment in the Netherlands
Promideon, Nieuwegein,
All headhunters on just one single page. Daily updated.
QuoteJobs, Amsterdam,
A big and varied supply of jobs
StartersBaan, Arnhem,
jobsite for young professionals.
StepStone, Leiden,
International careersite with up-to-date listings and usefull careerrelated information.
Stichting JobCode, IJsselstein,
Meta Job Search finds quickly jobs in the Netherlands
Studentenwerk, Hoofddorp,
help students to a job, Utrecht,
For the best studentjobs & access to the largest student population available
TechniciOnly, Haarlem,
Job Vacancy Site only for Technici.
The Freelance Company B.V., Rotterdam,
provides means of identifying qualified professionals for project based needs or long-term activities anywhere, anytime.
TPG, Amsterdam,
Available jobs at PTT Post
Uitgeverij Dauphin, Groningen,
Hyperlinks to (almost) alle job-related websites in the Netherlands (1700+), Tilburg,
Searches more than 13.000 vacancies of interim agencies. The biggest temporary jobboard.
v.o.f. HorecaWanted, Den Haag,
Website for jobs in the hospitality bussiness
VandemO Jobs International, Zoetermeer,
Consultancy en Recruitment Company for jobs in different countries. Also wintersport.
Vidipen Notuleerservice, Ede,
Partner for professional minutes.
WOODselect, Zwolle,
Employability agency for higher level technical personell
Work After Work, Den Haag,
A dutch site with a lot of information for employers, employees and jobseekers. b.v., Enschede,
International Job site for the Energy, Construction, Telecom, IT and Tourist industry, Amsterdam,
Specialists in Recruiting fluent English and Multi-lingual job-seekers
XL Studenten Uitzendbureau, Zaandam,
The Career Company for students in The Netherlands
Zoekbijbaan, Rotterdam,
website for students who are searching for a job next to their education.
AcademicTransfer, Utrecht,
All job openings at the Dutch universities and academic institutions.
CV Wizard, Amsterdam,, Utrecht,
Efficient run for a job and orient on the fastest growing agent of Holland with active vacancys and internships, freelance, videopresentations of kandidates and ...
Graphic Hall - Compres b.v., Leiden,
Intermediair Online, Amsterdam,
Weekly overview of the vacancies published in Intermediair, PW, Technisch Weekblad en Computable. For the higher educated information on career, labourmarket an ...
Inverto Consultancy, Rotterdam,
JobbingMall, Vogelenzang,
Database for jobs on the internet
Jobme BV, Nieuwegein,
Jobstoday, Haarlem,
Jobzone, Amsterdam,
Publisher of information on jobs. Includes a job bank, a 'Wanted' department and JobZone Magazine.
Onderwijswerk, Den Helder,
Vacancies in education
Smits Thuiswerk Consultancy, Valkenswaard,
Jobsite for homework
Work & Project BV, Son,
De Nederlandse Laboratorium Site,
the interactive internet site for employees of the Dutch biomedical and chemical laboratories.
Finale, Zwolle,, Amsterdam,


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