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Reisbureau OrangeSmile - Wit-Rusand Tours

Mooie land van Wit-Ruslnd

Wij bieden u comfortabel aan, amuserend en adembenemend (op het zelfde ogenblik!) week in Wit-Rusland. Afhankelijk van uw stemming en vakantievoorkeur kunnen wij voor uw vier soorten reizen voorbereidingen treffen: het ontspannen, actief, het ontdekken en gemengd. De volgende lijst toont de verschillen tussen de reistypes.

- sauna,
- fishing,
- boat trips,
- swimming,
- walking in untouched forests,
- picking berries and mushrooms,
- picnic on a wild island
- sauna,
- hunting,
- fishing from boats,
- long-distance boat riding,
- shooting,
- various excursions
- jorney trough canals of the Berezina river
- Minsk,
- orthodox churches,
- famous Napoleon's army defeat place,
- old belarussian village Dudutki,
- defense line of german army during WW II
- jorney through canals of the Berezina river

Volg de links beneden dat illustreren onze bieden en faciliteiten.

over Wit-Rusland
Het land wordt gevestigd tussen Rusland en Polen (zie de kaart). Zijn aard is nog onaangeroerd en authentiek - een derde van Witrussische grondgebied is behandeld door bossen. De Witrussische landschappen zullen voor u de aard van Europa "als het eens was" openen. Wit-Rusland is een land van duizenden glasheldere merenen en rivieren.

The cottage 'Among Friends' is built in the unique and low-populated area of wild forests and small lakes on the high bank (30 m) of the Berezina river (location map). From the cottage windows one can view a beautiful panorama on the surrounding landscapes. The house contains 6 comfortable sleeping rooms, the dining room and the kitchen (read further ).

We offer you two types of sauna: russian one (bania) and the sauna you know - finnish sauna. The russian sauna is based on a hot air (100C) with high humidity (98%), while the finnish sauna produces dry air (70-90C) with extremely low humidity (20-40%). The russian sauna is built within the cottage complex. The finnish sauna with a swimming pool are in 15 minutes walking distance (read further ).

Belarus is a country of old castles and beautiful orthodox churches that are highlighted by modern surrounding architecture. Our guided tour by itself is already is a long excursion non-stop. Besides, we offer a number of excursions for your choice, starting from the historical spots and ending with the ordinary people life and culture (read further ).

In Belarus, you do not need a license to do normal fishing. You can fish with a spinner or fishing rod, and bring all your harvest 'home'. Our cottage is located just in 40 meters from one of the most fertile (in terms of fishes) rivers of Belarus - Berezina. An enormous range of different kind of fish lives here (read further ).

de jacht
We can organize various types of hunting at your request (at the additional price). Belarus is the country of the whole-year hunting with its fantastic and unspoiled natural areas and has been attracting more real lovers of exotic hunting adventures from all over the world lately (read further ).

russische keuken
Some dishes from our menu

visum regeling
We arrange private or touristic visa for you in the belarussian embassy in Den Hague. Upon the tour reservation, you fill in and give us the application letter + photo, which we later submit to the embassy together with our invitation. The procedure takes 5 days.

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© Copyright 2002 OrangeSmile Tours Голландия Wit-Rusland Belarus