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Airline Tickets to Edinburgh

DESTINATION: Edinburgh, Great Britain
Edinburgh city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Edinburgh panorama - popular sightseeings in Edinburgh Edinburgh is the city, where the Scottish spirit can be felt as vastly, as nowhere. A bagpipe and a kilt even nowadays are a part of everyday life. Scottish food, which consists only of healthy products, is well-known for its high quality. Basically it Scottish food includes beef, lamb, game and a lot of fish. All over the world is known not only Scottish cheese and Scottish beer, but also Scottish whisky.

The Edinburgh Castle. The Edinburgh Castle is the most popular place of interest; it seems that the castle just hovers over the center of Edinburgh. If you go by the drawbridge inside, you can see the well-known Stone of Fortune, the sacred Scottish relic, where long, long ago English and Scottish monarchs used to be crowned. From the castle one can enjoy a wonderful view on the whole city. Every day, except for Sundays, at 1 p.m. sharply you can hear the shoot of the castle alarm-gun. The Edinburgh Castle is also splendid scenery for the Annual Festival of Army Orchestras. During the Edinburgh Festival and on New Year's Day over the castle you may see the great holiday fireworks. More than that in the Edinburgh the staging of new adventures of Harry Potter is carried out.

The Palace of Holyroodhouse. The Palace of Holyroodhouse, which used to be the place of plots, murders and political intrigues, nowadays is the official residence of the Queen. It's situated in the very center of the medieval Royal Mile, the central street, which leads to the Edinburgh Palace. It was the place, where Maria Stuart spent the worst days in her life, her dramatic fortune doesn't leave anyone indifferent. In the Palace of Holyroodhouse before pregnant Maria's very eyes by her husband's order her secretary David Riccio was killed. Today there you can look at plenty of Maria Stuart's private things.

The Writers' Museum. The Writers' Museum is located in a narrow street, the branch of Royal Mile. Portraits, manuscripts and personal things, that are exhibited there, inform us about the life of such famous writers, as Robert Burns, Walter Scott, Robert Luis Stevenson. Besides that, in the museum there are specialized exhibitions, devoted to the other famous Scottish writers. The medieval court in front of the museum is called 'Makers' Court'. There on the cobblestone pavement the aphorism of the Scottish authors are carved. It's in some way the Edinburgh Fame Alley.

Read further about Edinburgh in our City Guide ...


Edinburgh Airport Information

Airport Address: Edinburgh Airport, Edinburgh EH12 9DN, UK
Distance and Location: The airport is located 12km (8 miles) west of Edinburgh
Airport Website: www.edinburghairport.com
Airport E-mail: edi_feedback@baa.com
Airport Telephone: (0)870 040 0007
Country Code: 44
Time Zone: GMT (GMT + 1 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Total Number of Terminals: 1

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