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Airline Tickets from Casablanca

TRAVEL GUIDE: Casablanca, Morocco
Airport Information: Casablanca, Morocco - Mohamed V

General Info

Airport Address: Office National des Aéroports, Casa-Oasis, BP 8101 Casablanca, Morocco
Distance and Location: The airport is located 30km (19 miles) south of Casablanca
Airport Website: www.onda.org.ma
Airport E-mail: Via the airport's website
Airport Telephone: (0)22 539 040 or 539 140
Country Code: 212
Time Zone: GMT
Total Number of Terminals: 1

Information and Customer Care Desks

There is one infodesk in Arrivals and one in Departures (tel: (0)2 253 9040).

Available Facilities and Services

Money withdrawal and Communication facilities: There are banks with bureau de change facility, ATMs and a post office. Telephones can be found throughout the airport. Cafe and restaurants: There are restaurants and cafés throughout the airport. Shopping facilities: There is a shopping centre in Departures and are various duty-free shops in Arrivals and Departures. Other services: An ambulance and first aid facilities are also available. There is a pharmacy on the first floor.

Car Parking Info

There is a long-/short-term car park with 1,600 spaces outside Departures and a long-/short-term car park with 880 spaces outside Arrivals.

Driving by car from/to Casablanca

From the centre of Casablanca, take the motorway towards Settat. From northeast Casablanca, take the highway towards Marrakesh. The airport is signposted.

Public Transportation from/to Casablanca

By Railway: A shuttle train service operates from the airport Arrivals hall to Casablanca port and the city centre (journey time: about 45 minutes). How to reach: By Taxi: Taxis are available outside Arrivals. By Bus: There is a shuttle bus to Casablanca.

Casablanca city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Casablanca panorama - popular sightseeings in Casablanca Casablanca (Arabic: الدارالبيضاء, Daru l-Bayda) is a city in western Morocco, located on the Atlantic Ocean. It is the capital of the Greater Casablanca region.The population of the city is 3.1 million people. Casablanca is Morocco's largest city as well as its chief port. This is well-known as the biggest city in the Maghreb and the sixth biggest city in the entire continent of Africa. The heart of Moroccan business, Casablanca is also the economic capital of Morocco.

More about Casablanca in our City Guide ...


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