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Sightseeing in Dortmund - what to see. Complete travel guide

Florian Dortmund is one of the largest cities of Germany. First mentions of it are referred to the 9th century. At that time the city was called Trotmani and that was a large trading center. In the 17th century Dortmund seriously suffered from the Thirteen Years’ War, but it recovered quickly and started playing leading positions in economic and political life of the country.
The best way to get acquainted with cultural life of the local people is to visit one of numerous festivals. Rich choice of celebrations, festivals and exhibitions can be easily found in … Open
The city with its amazing history was traditionally attracting travellers. There are still many interesting monuments and ancient buildings here. In Dortmund you will also find large number of entertainment centers and comfortable hotel complexes. Old part of the city is the most interesting one as here you can walk on quarters built in 18-19 centuries, see ancient churches and cathedrals, have rest on one of the picturesque squares or try best dishes made by local chiefs.
Large number of buildings, which have survived until out time, have religious meaning. These are St. Ewald Church, Petrikirche and Reinoldikirche, which are considered the most beautiful old buildings in Dortmund. Tourists traditionally enjoy attending excursions to coke plant “Ganza” and Zollern mining. Today these industrial complexes, which have made Dortmund famous and have brought it to highest economic figures, are fully turned into museums. Copyright
Without a doubt, Dellwig House is one of the most interesting architectural sights of Dortmund. This beautiful castle on water was built in the beginning of the 13th century. At that time it … Open
When it comes to describing peculiarities of Dortmund, we should definitely mention quite an unusual form of transport – large two-floor omnibuses that ride the streets of the city. The ride on such omnibus will bring you many positive memories and will allow enjoying the splendor of the city’s landscapes. There are several museums in Dortmund and each one of them keeps priceless historical collections. You should definitely visit Industrial Museums, walk in Old Market and attend Brewing Museum where you will find out much interesting about the traditional foamy drink.
TU Dortmund A striking architectural monument of the late 19th century is the town hall. It is a spectacular five-storey building constructed in the best traditions of the Neo-Renaissance style. The very first town hall was built on this place more than 600 years ago. Over the years, it came to complete desolation and was partially destroyed. In the second half of the 19th century when it was decided to build a new town hall in its place, the surviving fragments of the old building were used in the works. During the Second World War, the construction was badly damaged, but was quickly restored by the efforts of local artisans.
Casino Hohensyburg is widely recognized as the most famous entertainment center of Dortmund. This is also the largest casino in the country. The three floors of this lovely historic building … Open
Some elements of medieval fortifications are preserved in the city, among which the Eagle Tower is an excellent example. It was built in the 13th century and was part of the fortification complex. Until recently the tower was in a ruined condition. It was restored only recently, in 1992. During the work, the specialists used historical sketches, so the tower was restored in accordance with the original. Now in the walls of the tower, there is an interesting museum which houses a collection of ancient weapons and archaeological finds.
Dortmund - Ostenhellweg A very interesting and popular cultural institution is the Dortmunder U. It is located in a unique historical building, which used to be the largest brewery in the city. At the time of construction in 1926, this building was the highest in the city. The factory remained operational until 1994. Now the beautiful and large building is used to hold art exhibitions and other interesting events dedicated to contemporary art and design.
1. Travelers who plan to use public transport should consider that it is cheaper to purchase tickets a few days beforehand. They can also purchase a pass that is valid for all types of … Open
Fans of unusual attractions will be interested to visit the “city radio and television tower Florianturm”. Its height is 211 meters. At the top of the tower is a popular restaurant, which is considered to be one of the most romantic in the city. A chic view of the city opens from its hall. If you do not want to visit the expensive restaurant, you can go up to the observation deck. It is on one of the last floors of the tower.
Stiftskirche In Dortmund, there is a beautiful botanical garden which is one of the largest in the world. Its area is 65 hectares. The garden was founded in the early 19th century and today presents visitors with a huge collection of exotic plants. In total, there are about 4,500 species of plants and flowers on its territory.
Dortmund - guide chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

City tours, excursions and tickets in Dortmund and surroundings

Reference information
Map of all shopping areas
Shopping streets in Dortmund
♥   Shopping area ' Westenhellweg' Dortmund, 0.5 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Map of all castles
Survived castles around Dortmund
♥   Castle 'Schloss Bladenhorst' , 14.4 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Castle 'Hardenstein Castle' , 15.6 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Castle 'Schloss Cappenberg' , 15.8 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Castle 'Altena Castle' , 28.1 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Castle 'Burg Vischering' , 29.1 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Map of all parks
National and city parks around Dortmund
♥   National Park 'Sallandse Heuvelrug' , 117.5 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   National Park 'Dwingelderveld' , 159.4 km from the center. On the map   Photo

Sights around Dortmund from our guide 'Extreme places on Earth'

Crouching Tiger and Turtle

From the series “Furious Footways Around the World That Make You Dizzy”
The length of the staircase is 220 meters. It is open day and night. Admission is free. The original attraction in Duisburg was opened in 2011 and became instantly known worldwide and popular with lovers of unusual entertainments. 'Tiger and Turtle' staircase is located in the picturesque Angerpark. One of the most important secrets of the ladder is the traditional roller coaster dead loop, which is much easier to pass through than it might seem at first glance. … Read further
Car rental on Rentals in Dortmund