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Hamburg Car Search

Car Rental at 'Hamburg Downtown Center'

Searching for the best offer

You can specify required rental date and time, vehicle category, pick-up/return location criteria in the orange form. In case your return location is different from the pick-up location, check the box 'Different Drop Off Location?'.

The preset location address: Roedingsmarkt 14, Hamburg, 20459, Germany, area 'Hamburg Downtown Center'.

Alteration of the current rental location can be performed in three ways:
- by entering your desired destination in the 'Pick-up' field;
- by following the links to location pages shown below;
- by using the Hamburg interactive map on the left.

Interactive map of Hamburg (FF or Opera)
Renting a car in Hamburg

Best rates. provides cars for hire at the rental point 'Hamburg Downtown Center' at the lowest guaranteed prices. Our direct car suppliers often provide high discounts on the available models. For your specific dates at 'Hamburg Downtown Center', we will find for you the best online car hire offers.

The rental process consists of 3 simple steps: (1) search available cars for your dates at 'Hamburg Downtown Center'; (2) select the car type you wish to rent; and (3) complete the reservation form. Once your reservation at 'Hamburg Downtown Center' is processed, we will send the confirmation voucher to your email address.

A valid credit card is required to confirm a reservation at 'Hamburg Downtown Center'. Please check your rental conditions, prior making the reservation.

At the point 'Hamburg Downtown Center', you will be asked for your confirmation voucher, driving license and a valid credit card. A credit card is required for a safety deposit. The deposit amount at 'Hamburg Downtown Center' depends on the driver's age and the rented vehicle type.

The definitive payment is usually performed at the pick-up point. Our car suppliers at the point 'Hamburg Downtown Center' accept VISA, Master Card and other card types - please check your rental conditions. wishes you safe roads in Germany and a pleasant trip to Hamburg!

Typical models of vehicles in Hamburg
Mini & economy hatchback: Peugeot 107, Smart Car and Toyota Aygo
Compact & intermediate sedan: Citroen C3, Audi A3 and Ford Mondeo
Full-size saloon & station wagon: Renault Scenic, Honda Accord and Peugeot 508
Premium & luxury limousine: Audi A5 Sportback, Mercedes C Class and Mercedes E Class
Minivan & minibus, 7-15 pax: Opel Zafira, Peugeot 807 7 seater and VW Touran
SUV, crossover & off-road vehicle: BMW X3, BMW X5 and Toyota Rav4
Cabriolet, roadster & convertible: BMW 3 series Cabriolet, Peugeot 206 Cabriolet and Renault Megane Cabriolet
Rental locations near Hamburg
  » Norderstedt - 14.4 km
  » Wedel - 19.5 km
  » Ahrensburg - 20.5 km
  » Elmshorn - 32.3 km
  » Geesthacht - 32.9 km
  » Stade - 34.4 km
  » Bad Oldesloe - 35.5 km
  » Lüneburg - 44 km
  » Luneburg - 44.5 km
Destination - Hamburg

Alte Mühle restaurant is a no less attractive establishment, which offers its guests to try popular dishes from German cuisine. In addition to a wide choice of meat dishes, visitors will be pleasantly surprised by the selection of fish delicacies. Among the specialties of the restaurant you will find carp with spicy sauce and boiled potatoes, pork leg roasted with vegetables, a variety of meat rolls and cold cuts. During warm months of year the restaurant’s tables are served in a beautiful outdoor terrace. There is even an artificial pond in the territory of the restaurant. Opitz restaurant is a great place to try homemade cuisine. Frequent visitors of the restaurant prefer to order roast beef liver with sweet onions, stewed rabbit with potatoes and carrots, as well as unique homemade sausages and hot dogs, which are the most common snack to the favorite local beverage - beer.

In this city you will even find restaurants dedicated to Vietnamese cuisine. Sai gon is probably the most famous of them. In the menu of the restaurant you will find a huge amount of original salads, seafood dishes and traditional oriental delicacies. Sai gon is also very popular among followers of vegetarian diet.
Read further: Hamburg city guide

This article about Hamburg is written by the editorial team and is protected by the copyright law. The article can only be re-used with a direct link to travel services

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Rental hints
If you have purchased an option 'Additional Driver', the second driver must be present at the registration, show his/her driving license and sign all the documents.
When planning your finances, keep in mind that in Germany it takes 2-3 weeks for banks to return the safety deposit. This period also depends on the efficiency of your bank.
Our services in Hamburg
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